Wilson Sossion, the former Secretary-General of the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) and a former Nominated Member of Parliament representing workers’ interests in Kenya’s National Assembly, has announced the passing of his mother, Ruth Chepng’eno Sossion.
In a statement shared on social media, Sossion disclosed that his mother tragically collapsed at home and was pronounced dead upon arrival at Tenwek Mission Hospital.
“With deep sorrow and shock, we regretfully inform you of the passing of our beloved mother, Ruth Chepng’eno Sossion. She collapsed at home and, sadly, was declared deceased upon her arrival at Tenwek Hospital. May her soul rest in eternal peace,” Sossion conveyed.
Following her demise, leaders from various political backgrounds, including those from Bomet, Sossion’s hometown, expressed their condolences.
Former Bomet East MP Bernard Bett extended his heartfelt condolences, saying, “Our sincere condolences to you and your family.”
Sossion, renowned for his active involvement in Kenyan politics and education, held the position of Secretary-General of the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) from 2013 to 2017. Later, in 2017, he was nominated as a Member of Parliament by the Orange Democratic Party (ODM).
A teacher by profession, Sossion embarked on his teaching career at Tenwek High School in 1983. His remarkable journey in education trade unions culminated in 2013 when he was elected as KNUT Secretary-General.
The former nominated MP had close ties with the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), which nominated him to Parliament. In the lead-up to the 2022 elections, he shifted his allegiance and pledged his loyalty to the United Democratic Alliance (UDA). He made an unsuccessful bid to secure the party’s nomination ticket for the Bomet County Senatorial seat.
Furthermore, Sossion was appointed as the Chief Administrative Secretary (CAS) for Tourism. However, his appointment faced a legal challenge, resulting in a court order that declared the position unconstitutional.