
Singer Akothee Reveals Why She Left the SDA Church to Become a Non-Churchgoer

Esther Akoth, more commonly known as Akothee, has openly acknowledged her departure from the Seventh-day Adventist Church following the breakdown of her marriage almost two decades ago. The renowned singer and mother of five recently reflected on her journey to success, revealing pivotal moments from her past.

In a candid discussion, Akothee shared a throwback photo from 2006, capturing her performance at a club in Malindi. This moment marked a turning point for her, as she recounted how she embraced a different lifestyle after the dissolution of her marriage. She humorously questioned those who aspire to emulate her, urging them to understand the journey of Esther Akoth Kokeyo before she became the admired Akothee.

Reflecting on her past decisions, Akothee confessed to abandoning her faith and embracing worldly pursuits after the collapse of her marriage. However, she humorously noted her return to the church in recent times.

Akothee’s marriage to her daughters’ father, Jared Otieno, officially ended in divorce on May 22, 2011, following legal proceedings initiated in 2007. The dissolution of their union, after approximately five years of marriage, was a significant chapter in Akothee’s life.

In a previous interview, the 43-year-old artist hinted at the breakdown of her marriage, attributing it to her ex-husband’s involvement with another woman. Following the separation, Akothee relocated to Mombasa in search of livelihood opportunities.

Despite facing challenges, including limitations due to lacking proper documentation, Akothee remained resilient. She recalled her aspirations to become a taxi driver but struggled to secure employment even as a waiter due to ID requirements.

During her time in Mombasa, Akothee reconnected with the father of her fourth child, with whom she shares her eldest son, Prince Ojwang.

In 2022, Akothee confirmed the legal dissolution of her marriage to Jared Otieno, emphasizing that the divorce decree was finalized on May 22, 2011, by the High Court. This revelation underscores the significant personal journey Akothee has undergone, characterized by challenges, resilience, and personal growth.