
“‘Si Kununua Hio Gari ” Baba Talisha Reveals Why A Woman Gave Him Ksh.9 Million Porsche Cayenne.

Baba Talisha recently made a significant revelation, shedding light on the mystery surrounding the luxurious Porsche Cayenne often seen in his possession. Amidst speculation and rumors suggesting that the high-end vehicle was his own, Baba Talisha set the record straight in a candid interview with Obinna.

According to Baba Talisha, the 2016 Porsche Cayenne, valued at approximately Ksh. 9 Million, does not actually belong to him. Rather, it was a generous gift from his close friend based in the USA, identified as Kiki. Describing Kiki as someone with an extensive collection of cars, Baba Talisha explained that she offered him the Porsche for temporary use, recognizing his need for a more discreet vehicle during a period of handling significant finances, particularly during Chira’s contributions.

Addressing the speculation surrounding the ownership of the Porsche, Baba Talisha emphasized that he was simply borrowing the car from Kiki for practical reasons, particularly due to concerns regarding the visibility of his well-known Subaru and the need for enhanced security. He clarified that once Kiki decides to reclaim the vehicle, he will readily return it, reaffirming that it is not his personal possession but rather a temporary arrangement.

Supporting Baba Talisha’s statement, Kiki herself confirmed in a TikTok video that the Porsche indeed belongs to her, clarifying that she was merely assisting Baba Talisha by providing him with the vehicle for a period of time. She asserted her ample resources, stating that she possesses multiple cars in Kenya and has no qualms about Baba Talisha utilizing the Porsche in the interim.