
“Save Yourself The Shame,”Former kiambu governor Hon. William Kabogo Tells CS Linturi

Former Governor Hon. William Kabogo has urged Cabinet Secretary for Agriculture, Hon. Mithika Linturi, to step down amidst the controversy surrounding the distribution of counterfeit subsidized fertilizer to farmers nationwide.

Kabogo’s call for resignation comes in the wake of statements made by CS Mithika Linturi, where he asserted his accountability solely to his superior and displayed confidence in addressing the issue of fake subsidized fertilizer.

“I am fully aware of the situation. As the leader of the ministry, I am answerable only to my superior, who is well-informed about the ongoing developments. The truth regarding the counterfeit fertilizer issue will be unveiled by the end of this week. Stay focused,” CS Linturi assured, promising clarity on the matter.

Addressing CS Linturi directly, Hon. William Kabogo expressed, “My dear Mithika Linturi, spare yourself the embarrassment and resign. If the accusations hold any truth, it’s a disgraceful act for a Cabinet Secretary.”

As the situation unfolds, it remains uncertain whether CS Mithika Linturi will heed Kabogo’s call for resignation in the upcoming hours.