
Ringtone Apoko Cries on Camera as He Addresses His Recent Arrest

Kenyan singer and chairman of gospel music, Ringtone Apoko is emotional after his recent arrest and land grabbing allegations.

Speaking to the media, Ringtone shed tears on Camera as he narrated how he was arrested at his Karen home.

On Friday, Reports emerged that the controversial gospel artist stormed a residential area in Karen while in the company of several men.

The house is said to belong to a south Sudanese family, who inherited it after the death of their father.

PHOTO: Ringtone Apoko 

The homeowner , Paulino Matip, claimed that they have been unable to access their house citing attempts to file a petition had been futile as Ringtone had rented out their home.

The gospel artist however claimed the said property belongs to him. According to him, he went to Karen after being informed by his workers that some people had broken in to hold a party. He was charged with malicious damage of property.

“Nikaenda Karen kufika nikapata wapangaji wangu na majirani wanapigana na hao watu walikuwa wamevamia hapo so kutoka pale maaskari wakakuja wakatushika sisi wenye ni wakaaji wa hapo, especially walikuwa wananitarget mimi. Nikashikwa kwangu nikapelekwa station nikashtakiwa kwa kuharibu mali yangu ambayo nimenunua na pesa yangu.”

PHOTO: Ringtone Apoko addresses his recent arrest 

Ringtone said he has all the rights to own the Karen home and the arrest pains him seeing that he has built his life from scratch since he is an orphan.

He further asked his fans to pray for him so that he can conquer.