
Pastor Ng’ang’a Regrets Voting for President Ruto, Prefers Former President Uhuru Kenyatta

Neno Evangelist Pastor James Ng’ang’a has openly expressed his regret for voting for President William Samoei Ruto. During a heartfelt address to his congregants, Pastor Ng’ang’a shared his disappointment in the Kenya Kwanza government, particularly its leader, President Ruto, citing issues related to land grabbing.

Defense of Church Land

Pastor Ng’ang’a contrasted the current administration with former President Uhuru Kenyatta’s tenure, during which he felt his church was more protected. He recounted an incident where his church land was under threat of being taken, and former President Uhuru intervened swiftly.

“I thank God for Uhuru. Hata kama mulisema ni mlevi heri Uhuru mara mia moja. Take me where you want to take me. Kiwanja hii ilipoanza kuchukuliwa, Uhuru aliposkia alipiga simu moja tuh. Sonko aliwahi pigia Uhuru simu akamwambia hii ni kanisa sasa wanasema barabara inapitia hapa tangu siku hiyo, kesi iliisha,” Pastor Ng’ang’a shared.

In this statement, he highlighted how a simple phone call from Uhuru led to the cessation of the land dispute, emphasizing the former president’s prompt and decisive action.

Disappointment in Kenya Kwanza Government

Pastor Ng’ang’a expressed his frustration with the current government officials, who he believes are not defending his church’s land as they should. He noted that some politicians are actively voting against the church’s interests, which he finds disheartening.

“Sasa leo hii nyinyi wakubwa muskie hii si kanisa na mumekwako hii kanisa ikiweko… sasa leo mnavote No…basi muvote kesho mje mchukue mimi sina shida nitaenda tu mbinguni nikiwa uchi,” he stated.

Preference for Uhuru Kenyatta

Pastor Ng’ang’a reminisced about the support he received from Uhuru Kenyatta, who, upon hearing about the land issue, made a decisive call that resolved the problem immediately. He contrasted this with the current situation where he feels his church is under threat.

“Uhuru aliposkia hii kiwanja ina shida, alipiga simu moja tuh ilikua ikatwe hapo mbele sijui ina nini niliona wakiongea nikaona wamechukua vitu zao wakenda hawakurudi..leo hii mko wakubwa..hii si klabu ni nyumba ya mungu!” Pastor Ng’ang’a reiterated.

Warning to the Kenya Kwanza Government

In his concluding remarks, Pastor Ng’ang’a warned the current government about the consequences of their actions against his church. He reminded them of the divine protection over his church and cautioned them against challenging his faith.

“Mumekuja mukapiga magoti hapa.. sasa leo mumekua wakubwa, you want to challenge my God? Wait and see,” he declared.

Pastor Ng’ang’a’s passionate address underscores his deep disappointment with the current administration and his enduring gratitude towards former President Uhuru Kenyatta for his support during challenging times. The pastor’s words reflect a broader concern about governance and the protection of religious institutions in Kenya.