
Onsongo Comedian: The Grade 4 Boy Flaunts House He Has Built For His Parents, Through Tiktok Gifts

The young and talented comedian, Onsongo, recently caused a sensation on the internet when he proudly showcased an 80% completed mansion he is constructing for his parents in their hometown of Kisii County.

Onsongo stands out as one of the few emerging content creators and comedians who achieved viral fame at a remarkably young age. His natural comedic flair propelled him to rapid stardom, earning him opportunities to perform on prominent platforms like the Churchill Show, where he showcased his inherent humor.

Recognizing the potential in his talent, the young comedian strategically expanded his presence on social media platforms such as TikTok and YouTube. His engaging content on TikTok garnered widespread appreciation, with his followers expressing their admiration by sending him various gifts. With gratitude, Onsongo utilized these gifts judiciously, guided by the wisdom of his parents, and embarked on the ambitious project of building a home for them.

Through diligent efforts and the support of his online community, Onsongo managed to finance the construction, reaching an impressive 80% completion milestone. Eager to share this significant achievement with his followers, he took to the internet to express his gratitude and reveal how their gifts had contributed to the realization of his parents’ dream home.

In a heartwarming revelation, Onsongo’s parents disclosed that their son had not only invested in the construction project but had also ventured into a successful chicken business. The funds for these ventures were sourced from Onsongo’s earnings on TikTok. In a separate video, his father couldn’t contain his joy as he expressed pride in Onsongo for breaking the cycle of poverty at such a tender age. At just 12 years old, Onsongo has become a pillar of support for his parents, and his family is truly grateful for his remarkable contributions.