Nyako, a well-known and controversial Kenyan TikToker based in Germany, recently expressed her frustration towards Akothee. She noticed that many people were comparing her to Akothee, which led her to speak out during her TikTok Live.
During her Live session, Nyako vehemently objected to the comparison and cautioned people against it. She stated that she is way superior to Akothee and cannot be compared to her in any way.
Nyako claimed that while she was busy discovering Europe and improving her life, Akothee was busy twerking in clubs and seeking out inexpensive white men. Nyako even disclosed that Akothee used to dance for the late Musa Jakadala, whereas she was already making money and building a successful life in Europe.
Furthermore, Nyako highlighted that she has never dated an older white man like Akothee and has a beautiful child as well. She even compared her child to Akothee’s son Ojwang.
Nyako was resentful and emphasized that she is far ahead in life compared to Akothee. She also made it clear that she does not want Akothee’s name mentioned in her videos or live sessions again since the two cannot be compared, and Nyako’s lifestyle is vastly superior to that of Madam Boss.