
“Nataka kuowa bibi wengi maana wanawake ni wengi wanaume ni wachache,tena napenda vienyeji! Kaveve Kazoze ni mrembo ameumbwa akaumbika” Stivo Simple Boy!

Gengetone artist Ngesh has been unveiled as the second spouse of Kenyan musician Stevo Simple Boy, who has openly expressed his desire to marry her.

Despite Ngesh’s explicit warning that she was not interested in any romantic advances from him, the situation has taken an unexpected turn.

On August 14th, Stevo Simple Boy participated in a media interview, outlining his reasons for wanting Ngesh as his life partner.

He admired Ngesh’s physical beauty and articulated his wish to spend quality time with her to assess their compatibility.

“I find Ngesh to be a naturally gifted and stunning young woman. I hope she might consider engaging in a conversation with me, so we can explore the possibility of a harmonious connection,” he articulated.

Addressing inquiries about his inclination towards polygamy, the renowned ‘Mihadarati’ artist highlighted the prevailing gender disparity within the country’s demographic makeup.

“In the present context, there is a substantial number of men who wish for her companionship, yet among them are those who might opportunistically seek to bask in her popularity momentarily, only to later let go,” he pointed out.

Stevo emphasized his preference for women who embody a simpler lifestyle, often referred to as ‘kienyeji.’ He lauded these women for their dedication to the institution of marriage and their partners.

“I, personally, tend to appreciate women from rural areas – the ‘kienyeji’ type. Rural women exhibit an inherent respect for marital unions. They have a profound understanding of how to honor the role of a spouse.”

“However, in the urban setting of Nairobi, you see women incessantly applying makeup and investing undue time in appealing to men. It becomes perplexing,” noted Simple Boy.

According to the artist, his spouse Grace has exhibited remarkable understanding and has permitted him to pursue his interest in Ngesh.

“My wife is absolutely fine with this situation. She comprehends my perspective and acknowledges the essence of attraction and emotional exploration,” he disclosed.

Stevo acknowledged the challenges of navigating romantic relationships while in the limelight. He offered Ngesh a word of caution, underscoring that some individuals might gravitate towards her solely due to her newfound fame.

He illuminated the reality that fame tends to attract both genuine affection and opportunistic motives.