Murang’a Boys High School was started in 1964 with only two teachers through the Catholic Diocese of Nyeri, at the time under Bishop Caesar Gatimu.
In 2014 it was elevated to a national school.
The school sitting on 31-acre land also hosts St Mary’s Primary School.
The pioneer class had 35 boys admitted using quota system to cover Kangema, Kigumo and Kandara. These regions were allocated five slots each while Kiharu as the host grabbed 20.
In 1996, the Bishop appealed to the Government to take over the daily running of the school. Most of its infrastructure was financed in a partnership between the government and USAid.
“This school has strived hard to shed off the image of just a normal school and in its place rejuvenated itself to a family where the bond is so special to a point all of us are as though related by blood,” says the school’s principal, Willie Kuria.

“Our motto sounds like a military drill maxim–Discipline Order Determination (DOD),” he adds.
Some of the prominent names that have schooled in the school, popularly known as Muhae, are former Murang’a Senator Kembi Gitura, Dr James Gichuru of the Mt Kenya University, renowned Cardiologist, Christopher Maina and author John Kiriamiti of the My Life in Crime fame.
“We are currently implementing an agenda that seeks to mould a wholesome package of a person who is desirable, knowledgeable, has inbuilt values, with positive attitudes and with leadership skills,” Mr Kuria says.
Murang’a East Director of Education Mr Richard Ng’ang’a says the school is “our model and pride as it has become proactive in going beyond pursuing academic milestone to also include inculcation of team work and patriotism in its core values.”
He says yesterday’s achievement of producing the top boy in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exam has fuelled the dream of transforming the fortunes of the school.
The graduates included, the school has a population of 1,254 boys, 56 teachers and 30 non-teaching staff.
Deputy Principal Charles Karanja says what has proved crucial for the school is an ingrained drive founded on will power.
“As a fraternity, we have been making bold steps up to this far because a majority have embraced teamwork. Our goals as an organisation are well set thus enabling us to focus on where we are going,” he said.