
Miracle Baby Reveals Why He Wants to Ditch Gengetone to Preach God’s Word

Peter Miracle Baby, a prominent figure in the realms of Mugithi and Gengetone music, has recently divulged his aspirations to pivot his career towards preaching the gospel. His decision stems from a profound personal journey marked by a prolonged battle with illness, spanning over three arduous months.

In an interview with KOM, Miracle Baby initiated proceedings with a fervent prayer, underscoring his earnest desire to embark on a path of spiritual enlightenment and service. He articulated his ambition to transition into a preacher, a commitment he made during his convalescence from a debilitating health ordeal.

Miracle Baby’s health struggles, attributed to a ruptured small intestine as disclosed by his wife, Carol Katrue, instilled in him a fervent vow to propagate the gospel upon recovery. Despite not having a physical congregation or established church infrastructure at present, Miracle Baby emphasizes the diverse avenues through which preaching can manifest, including through music.

Acknowledging the multifaceted nature of preaching, Miracle Baby reflects on the potential of leveraging his musical platform to disseminate spiritual messages. He remains steadfast in his belief that divine providence will guide him towards establishing a church, expressing unwavering optimism in the viability of this newfound calling.

Asserting his faith in God’s providence, Miracle Baby envisions a future where he will be afforded the opportunity to cultivate a thriving congregation. He cites his recent musical collaboration with his wife, Carol Katrue, on the track ‘Ndi Mwihia’ as a testament to their initial steps towards fulfilling this spiritual mission.

Reflecting on his health journey, Miracle Baby recounts the onset of debilitating stomach pains dating back to 2018. However, it was the exacerbation of his condition earlier this year that precipitated hospitalization and a series of surgeries, culminating in a profound period of introspection and spiritual reawakening.