Bishop Kiengei of JCM church has asked Gatundu North empii Njoroge Kururia to start taking care of his elderly motherr whom has been relying on Kiengei’s unga ya kabagara at Ikumbi for survival.
Kiengei also revealed that apart from neglecting his motherr Kururia; fired his siz from his real estate firm, evicted his wifey from their home and has been drinkng akoho at Wamaitha’s bar without paying.
This happened after Kururia accused Kiengei who has been making headlines for not so good reasons of sleepng with different womeen at his bypass church.
Njoroge without fear of the oil likened bishofuu to a fisii, yaani he said bishofuu is a hyper active member of team mafisii.
Yetu Macho Tu.