Mike Sonko has changed his stance on the viral video that has been circulating online, which has been linked to Interior CAS Millicent Omanga. Sonko is now urging Kenyans to leave Omanga alone, stating that she is not the person in the video.
Sonko claims that he has evidence that the video was downloaded from a porn site, but due to community guidelines, he cannot share the video on social media. He also said that the culprits responsible for sharing the video will be exposed and brought to book.
Previously, Sonko had roasted Omanga, claiming that he had advised her to lie in a particular position after she complained about a bloated stomach. He even advised her to go bare on her lower side so that she could pass gas freely. However, Sonko now says that his previous comments were misconstrued and that Omanga was innocently resting on her stomach after a long day of work.
In conclusion, Mike Sonko has retracted his previous comments about Millicent Omanga and is urging the public to leave her alone. He claims that the video was downloaded from a porn site, and the culprits responsible will be brought to book.