
Marathoner Eliud Kipchoge’s simple diet: Mursik, ugali and beans

Eliud Kipchoge, the globally acclaimed two-time Olympic marathon gold medalist, is renowned not only for his extraordinary running prowess but also for his straightforward dietary regimen.

Kipchoge, who logs an astounding 220 kilometers of running every week, predominantly relies on a diet rich in protein and carbohydrates to fuel his impressive athletic feats.

According to Olympic.com, Kipchoge adheres to a rigorous eating schedule and steers clear of indulgent binge-eating. One of his culinary favorites is the Kenyan staple known as ugali, a hearty maize meal porridge, which he typically enjoys with lean beef and an array of vegetables like managu, cabbage, or kale.

Moreover, he embraces carbohydrates enthusiastically, often pairing his ugali with beans, potatoes, or chapati, an unleavened flatbread. When he decides to switch things up from ugali, he opts for rice and red beans. During his travels, his preference leans towards pasta.

In the aftermath of strenuous long runs or intense speed training sessions, Kipchoge’s breakfast consists of white tea, bread, and a selection of fruits. On days when races beckon, he chooses lighter breakfast options such as cereals with milk or oats.

Regarding his liquid intake, he diligently consumes three liters of water daily, occasionally savoring plain milk or the Kenyan fermented milk known as mursik.

Notably, carbo-loading plays a pivotal role in Kipchoge’s dietary regimen, especially in preparation for marathons. His nutritionist, Armand Bettonviel, advises a carbohydrate-rich selection that includes rice, pasta, potatoes, oatmeal, bananas, and pancakes to enhance performance. However, it’s essential to acknowledge that whole-grain products may not be suitable for everyone, as they can sometimes lead to gastrointestinal discomfort.

Despite his extraordinary success and worldwide recognition, Kipchoge remains steadfast in his commitment to a straightforward and well-balanced diet that underpins his illustrious running career. His dietary choices, much like his training methods, exemplify simplicity yet efficacy.