
“Kenya Sihamii” Pastor Pius Muiru selling ‘Anointed Nails’ to his Followers for instant miracles (VIDEO).

Bishop Pius Muiru of Maximum Miracle Center held a special church service during which he distributed what he referred to as ‘anointed nails’ to his followers. He claimed that these nails had been prayed over and anointed with holy oil.

Bishop Muiru instructed each congregant to take seven nails and use them to pin specific locations in their businesses and homes. According to the preacher, the nails possessed special powers, and he assured the attendees that they could expect miracles in the coming days.

A video of the event quickly went viral, sparking mixed reactions online. Many netizens accused the renowned preacher of misleading his followers, labeling them as brainwashed. The incident ignited a heated debate about the ethics of such practices and the influence of religious leaders on their congregants.