
Jimmy Wanjigi shares secret as to why Kamba ladies make the best wives

Tycoon Jimmy Wanjigi, a renowned businessman and political strategist, takes immense pride in his wife, Irene Nzisa. Despite his considerable wealth, Mr. Wanjigi is never hesitant to express his admiration for his beautiful wife, who he feels completes him in every way.

Mr. Wanjigi lauds Irene for her unwavering support and bravery. She has remained steadfast even during challenging times, notably when the police raided their Muthaiga home in search of her husband. Irene’s calm and composed demeanor during these events has not gone unnoticed. According to Mr. Wanjigi, her loyalty has been a source of immense pride for him, as she has never betrayed his whereabouts, despite the pressures of the situation and the impact on their family.

Mr. Wanjigi often reflects on the strength of a woman, likening it to the resilience of a teabag immersed in hot water—only under pressure does its true strength become apparent. He recounts a particular instance with admiration: “A friend sent 100 police officers to our home, searching for me. My beautiful wife held her ground, showed no fear, and told them to search the house. For three days, they couldn’t find me. My wife was my protector,” he shared.

In their years together, Irene has proven her loyalty and dedication not only to her husband but also to their family. Mr. Wanjigi credits her parents for her upbringing, which instilled in her strong values and a sense of loyalty.

He also offers a bit of advice based on his experiences: “I encourage everyone to consider marrying from Ukambani. The women there are known for their steadfastness and reliability,” he said.

Despite having been raided twice, Jimmy Wanjigi remains grateful for the protection and support of his wife, Irene Nzisa, who has consistently safeguarded him throughout these trials.