The state working for Dr Alfred Mutua have bombed my family home in Lukenya, Machakos county and robbed my employees. They realised hashtags can’t scare me and they’re now using explosives. I still don’t fear because the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want, He shall protect me.
I’m a resident of Machakos County. An hour ago, Dr Alfred Mutua thugs have bombed my house (under construction), sank the foundation and robbed my workers. I can’t go there now for safety reasons. I know it’s Mutua because he is a molester & an abusive man. He won’t silence me!
I’m not a criminal. I don’t do deals. I have never comprised my values.The state has blown up the house my family was building.The bullets, the explosives they used are on the scene. So what kind of a country are we living in?
My response to DrAlfredMutua. To StateHouseKenya, InteriorKE, Fred Matiangi IG_NPS, NPSOfficial_KE, ODPP_KE the bullets and the explosives remnants are in my compound. All l ask is an open and transparent investigation. If speaking truth will get me killed, I’m ready to die
See videos below (From Boniface Mwangi)