
I made Sh. 20mn at 19 yrs old, was broke in 9 months, relocated from Runda to village

Brian Mwau’s journey through life has been nothing short of transformative, a testament to the ups and downs that often shape a person’s character and direction. In an interview with KTN’s Catherine Mwangi, Brian candidly shared his youthful experiences, reflecting on a path that moved from youthful exuberance to maturity and spiritual renewal.

As the current Business Development Coordinator at Trific, a subsidiary of Centum Investment, Brian’s story begins at JKUAT University’s Karen Campus. Known for his affable nature, Brian was elected class representative early on. His initial years at university were marked by glimpses of affluence among peers, with some arriving in flashy cars—a world Brian glimpsed due to his father’s military background, which provided him a privileged commute to school.

His trajectory escalated during campus elections when, in his first year, he effortlessly secured the position of IT representative. This role not only offered financial rewards but also invaluable exposure to administrative workings and enhanced connections with fellow students. By his second year, he had ascended to the role of academic secretary, all before turning 18—a testament to his leadership and organizational skills nurtured by his disciplined upbringing.

However, amid these achievements, Brian found himself entangled in the allure of material success and the wrong circles. Influenced by a friend’s lifestyle, he ventured into high-stakes dealings, including a lucrative land transaction that yielded substantial earnings at a remarkably young age. Flush with newfound wealth, Brian swiftly adopted a lifestyle of extravagance—luxury cars, nightclubs, and lavish spending became the norm.

Yet, the heady rush of success soon gave way to financial mismanagement and mounting debt. Brian’s once-flourishing social scene crumbled, forcing him to confront the consequences of his reckless choices. In a stark reversal, he found himself retreating from opulence to a simpler existence, symbolized by late-night bus rides back to his roots in Makueni.

It was in this humbled state that Brian underwent a profound personal and spiritual reckoning. Reconnecting with his father’s teachings and drawing solace from scripture, he embarked on a journey of introspection and redemption. His return to spiritual roots at Winners Chapel International marked a turning point, leading him to delve into Bible study and emerge as a distinguished student.

Miraculously, Brian found a lifeline through a friend who offered him housing and support in Runda and Westlands. This gesture provided him with stability and a fresh perspective, enabling him to rebuild his life with renewed focus and humility. His commitment to spiritual growth and learning culminated in academic success and a strengthened resolve to navigate life’s challenges with grace and wisdom.

Brian Mwau’s narrative is one of resilience and renewal—a journey from youthful indulgence to mature reflection and spiritual awakening. His story serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of introspection, resilience, and the enduring impact of steadfast faith in shaping a flourishing life.