
” I Can’t Stop Sleeping With Men, Nilienda Church Kuombewa Nikajipata Nimepea Pastor Mechi”

A 23-year-old woman has recently stirred up online discussions by making an unusual confession about her personal life. The young lady openly acknowledged having a high level of intimacy drive, revealing that when under the influence, she feels compelled to engage intimately with any man she encounters.

At her relatively young age of 23, she has lost count of her intimate encounters, admitting to having been with numerous men, a significant number of whom she can’t even recall. This situation seems to be beyond her control, resembling a kind of disability where she lacks the power to halt these experiences—they just seem to happen involuntarily.

In an attempt to seek a solution, she turned to her faith and attended church, hoping for divine intervention from a clergyman. However, things took an unexpected turn when she found herself becoming intimate with the pastor who was meant to pray for her. According to her, it was an irresistible impulse that she couldn’t control—it simply happened.

Caught in a dilemma, she is unsure of how to address her predicament. While she remains optimistic that a solution may arise in the future, for now, she feels compelled to continue her pattern of engaging intimately with different men.