Girls using Coke, lemon to avoid pregnancy
Bizzare lifestyle trending

Girls using Coke, lemon to avoid pregnancy

In a research done by Kenya changer Youth founder, she came out for certain upsetting results that show how teen ladies are using hazardous approaches to avoid pregnancy.She talked with some of them who uncovered how they actually deal with try not to get pregnant.

“Teenage girls are using Coke and lemon to clean their private parts after sex to avoid getting pregnant. This, notwithstanding the fact that they are risking their reproductive system “Nation news tweeted.

As indicated by nation news, these young ladies apply lemon to their vaginas after sex which as per to them washes away sperms in this manner keeping them from being pregnant.

An alternative strategy is washing the vagina with coca cola drink to wash the sperms away. These are extremely risky methods of preventing pregnancy since these products have different acidity levels which can affect your private parts.

This for the most parts of the country occurs in ghettos since they don’t have cash to buy contraceptives to avoid getting pregnant. Some engage in sexual acts to simply get food and it’s disheartening.

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