
Michelle Morgan on Air again joins K24

K24, the particular at this point top tv station, (CitizenTV SET as well as other analogue diehards will still be away from air)provides chosen ex- Ebru TV SET reports point, MichelleMorgan. Michelle provides made your ex way back towards display on ‘a much moreaccessible’ tv, K24. Your display siren has been a free of chargecharacter […]


Limo that kabogos son hired in london

In this first quarter of the year when the economy isheavily burdening most of us, some people are busyblowing the money we are seriously sweating insearch of. As I always put it, we live the same lifebut lead very different lifestyles. William Kabogo’s son, Alvin Kiarie is oneflamboyant young man who like his father, lovesgetting […]


Kenyan star named MVP in finland

Kenyan attacker Mercy Moim has been named theMost Valuable Player (MVP) in the Finland topflight volleyball league. The Kenya Prisons player joined Liiga Plooki lastSeptember on a temporary arrangement at the backof impressive performances for the nationalwomen volleyball team at the FIVB Grand Prix inMexico and Croatia. But the 25-year old has since hit the […]