Muthee Kiengei, Keziah Kariuki throw Back photos when they were still in love.
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Muthee Kiengei, Keziah Kariuki throw Back photos when they were still in love.

Muthee Kiengei and Kezia wa Kariuki were once sweethearts, however their sweet, enchanting romantic tale ended in separation and public backlash. currently they are both in love and with new partnersMurang’a news paper shares some pictures ot the ex-darlings back when they had hots for one another. Muthee Kiengei lately questioned why some people gave […]

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Meet Kenya’s Richest Kids Living Big Lives

 Kenya’s richest kids ,  Ngina, Muhoho and Jomo Kenyatta Their dad is President, their grandpa was president and their family owns one of Kenya’s biggest dairycompanies, Brookside, they own Mediamax the mediaconglomerate that K24, People Daily, Kameme andMilele F.M are under, Heritage Hotels, Commercial Bank of Africa and large vast of land. The family reportedly owns some of […]