‘Not all hero’s wear capes’ is an aphorism that simply clarifies the nature of this story. Mwas and Njau, a driver and his conductor, work for KMO Sacco and are based on the Nairobi(CBD) route to Kinoo. They know that public transport is a nightmare for commuters, but particularly more terrible for individuals living with […]
KALEMBE NDILE’s beautiful daughter and the emotional tribute she paid to Daddie – Heart-breaking (PHOTOs)
Kalembe Ndile’s daughter, Lucyanne, has honored him, following his unexpected demise. She said that she is yet to come to terms with the tragic news of her dad’s death and right now, it’s hard to pen down all that she feels about her father. As indicated by her, the day that she got the pitiful […]
25-year-old lady in Thika gives birth to Quadruplets such is blessings(PHOTOs)
A 25-year-old woman from Thika has a reason to express gratitude to God after she gave birth to quadruplets. The young lady had a successful birth at Thika Level 5 hospital with the help of doctors there and they are all alive an kicking. The photographs were shared by a well known Thika business woman […]
Kayole Man Dies After 1 Hour Sex Marathon With Girlfriend
Officials from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DC) are exploring circumstances under which a 44-year-old died in Kayole during intimacy with his sweetheart. Fredrick Kyalo fainted and passed away instantly on May 27 after an hour with his girlfriend, Miriam Wangare Githuka in her Soweto house. As per Wangare,36, they had been in the act […]
Murang’a MCAs to block Speaker’s muturi Planned Coronation as Mt Kenya Kingpin
MCAs in the Assembly Committee for Culture warned speaker Muturi against going on with his planned coronation at Mukurwe wa Nyagathanga. They contended that the event would not enhance the Speaker as the area since president kenyatta is the tribes supremo The Speaker was however adviced to go into detachment for a week in anticipation […]
13,000 households to benefit from health coverage insurance in Taita Taveta
More than 13,000 families in Taita Taveta County stand to profit from free NHIF clinical cover in a move set to grow the reach of Universal Healthcare Coverage (UHC). Today denoted the end of the enrollment practice that will bring more than 40,000 under-served Taita Taveta inhabitants into the NHIF clinical cover, giving them promptly […]
Linus Sebastian Net Worth 2021
Linus Tech Tips is one of the foremost popular technology channels on YouTube. it’s everything from unboxing videos to gadget reviews, to actual tech tips. The channel is one among three under the Linus Media Group, a corporation founded and headed by Linus Sebastian. Linus founded the corporation in January 2013 after experiencing some success on YouTube. Two […]