
Man arrested for stealing avocadoes in Nairobi.

A middle aged man is staring at a long life in prison after pleading guilty of stealing 73 pieces of avocadoes.

The man, Paul Njau, pleaded guilty today at the Kibera law courts where he was accused of the crime on August 28, 2021.

Njau is accused of stealing the fruits worth Ksh 2,220 within Dagoretti area, Nairobi.

He is said to have jumped over into the compound of Michael Karanja and hid the fruits in a manila paper bag then stashed them in a sack.

He was momentarily busted by the caretaker who raised the alarm and other neighbors came in to answer the call where they found Paul with the avocados.

After failing to explain why he was hiding the fruits, neighbors escorted him to the police station while carrying the exhibits.

He pleaded guilty and granted a pre-bail awaiting the court’s final verdict on September 9, 2021.