
Why Wambui Muturi Of Inooro TV’s Life Is Not A Bed Of Roses

Wambui Muturi is a popular journalist, who has been working with different media houses in Kenya.

She presently works with the Royal Media Services, facilitating a program known as ‘Dagitari’ on Inooro TV.

However successful as she may be, she has admitted on having thorns in her day to day life.

“I have thorns too in my life as confident as I am and as much you admire me & as much I Inspire,Preach & Encourage many…..ohh yes I do have my flaws…” She says.

Everything in her life isn’t a Bed of Roses but God supplies Grace to put on a smile.

“Some God forbided me to speak them publicly…but He told me He will allow me with time ⏲ so as to Encourage the many Souls that the Lord has placed my way 🙏.” She continues.

“I might not know your Thorn,but all I know God is going to use it for your Ministry.Every area of your trial is your area of Ministry & Purpose of Assignment.”

Don’t complain anymore about that thorn but tell God to Direct you on what job He wants you Exercise with it.

May that Thorn not make you leave God but may it be used to Glorify God