Tanzanian rapper Rosa Ree recently took to her social media accounts to share the joyous news of welcoming her newborn baby. Reflecting on her journey, she candidly admits that her appearance during pregnancy didn’t live up to her expectations, but the experience was undeniably worth it.
Rosa Ree humorously acknowledges that her big nose and dark skin made her look noticeably different from her usual self, and this was a source of disappointment for her. In a special post-Mother’s Day video, she playfully laughed about her initial hopes of looking stunning while pregnant, showcasing a cute made-up face.
The subsequent clips showed Rosa Ree embracing her natural dark-skinned face and acknowledging her larger nose. She jokingly remarked, “Pregnancy and nose need to settle their differences 😅. We go through a lot until we are called mothers!”
Addressing the audience, she emphasized the need to respect women and urged an end to cyberbullying against pregnant mothers. Rosa Ree shared that any expectant mother feels insecure about her changing body, and it’s crucial to support and uplift them during this vulnerable phase.
She further conveyed a powerful message, highlighting the incredible abilities bestowed upon human beings by God, with motherhood being the greatest of them all. Rosa Ree proudly announced her newfound status as a mother on that year’s Mother’s Day, emphasizing that being a mother is a remarkable gift and a testament to the strength of women. She concluded her message by extending warm wishes and appreciation to all mothers, embracing the beauty and power that comes with motherhood.