Pritty Vishy has issued a warning, expressing her intention to release compromising photos and videos of a prominent radio host in the nation if the host continues to subject her to harassment.
During a conversation with blogger Mungai Eve, Pritty Vishy revealed her struggle to withstand the ongoing onslaught from the female presenter on various social media platforms. However, she has now reached a point of exhaustion due to the persistent nature of these attacks.
Vishy recounted a history of disagreements with Atieno, the presenter, dating back to the previous year. The situation has escalated to the point where Atieno has resorted to criticizing Vishy’s physical appearance and personal attributes.
The content creator cautioned that unless Atieno refrains from ridiculing her online, she would not hesitate to expose Atieno by sharing explicit images and videos.
“I want you to understand, I will unveil your actions. You know, you don’t mind showcasing your videos, revealing your secrets… be very cautious around me. I have information, and I will unleash it. One day, I might wake up and decide to heed this impulse: Pritty, post that explicit video, and I will publish it… and that video holds a certain allure,” Vishy conveyed her threats directed at Atieno.
Furthermore, the TikToker disclosed that she had remained silent regarding Atieno’s grievances against her. However, Atieno’s recent conduct has exceeded acceptable boundaries, particularly her mockery of Vishy’s attire and appearance.
“Atieno, exercise great care and desist entirely from meddling in my affairs. I am not involved in your affairs, and I have never been nor will I ever be,” warned Vishy.