
Pastor 58yrs, Impregnates Church Member’s Wife,23, After A Steamy Relationship With Her

A pastor from the Pentecostal Holiness Church, Reverend Douglas Mulongoti of Joyful Assembly in Chelston, is currently facing legal proceedings over allegations of adultery and being the father of a child with the wife of one of his church members.

Ruth Musonda, 23, who is married to Omedi Musonda, 38, shared with the Boma Local Court that she initiated a romantic involvement with Reverend Mulongoti, 58, in June 2019. The couple, Omedi and Ruth, were residing at the church premises after relocating from Mpika.

According to Ruth, Reverend Mulongoti expressed his affection towards her, and they engaged in intimate relations exclusively within the confines of his office at the church. She admitted to withholding physical intimacy from her husband during the period she was involved with the pastor. When Ruth discovered she was pregnant, she informed Reverend Mulongoti, who acknowledged paternity.

Omedi, in his testimony, disclosed that he became aware of his wife’s affair with Reverend Mulongoti through a phone conversation. Reverend Mulongoti allegedly admitted to the affair and implored Omedi to maintain confidentiality. In an attempt to reconcile, the pastor persuaded Omedi to accept monetary compensation as a form of apology. Initially, Omedi requested K35,500, which Reverend Mulongoti agreed to pay. However, the pastor later reneged on the agreement, denying any wrongdoing and refuting the accusation of adultery with Omedi’s wife.