During an interview with SPM Buzz, Comedian David Oyando, known by his stage name Mulamwah, revealed that he has been receiving a lot of attention from women lately. However, he claims that most of these women have an ulterior motive and are not interested in a long-term relationship with him. According to Mulamwah, these women are only interested in having children with him because they have seen his daughter, Keila Oyando, and find her to be cute.
Mulamwah went on to explain that he is not ready to have children with these women and has been taking things slow when it comes to relationships. He is currently enjoying his life and focusing on his content. The comedian also spoke about his looks and attributed them to being at peace rather than any skincare routine.
Mulamwah’s ex-lover, Carrol Sonie, who is the mother of his daughter, has been in the news recently for considering changing their daughter’s name. However, Mulamwah did not comment on this matter during the interview.
It is worth noting that Mulamwah and Carrol had a public fallout on social media and have both maintained a low profile since the incident.