Victor Juma garnered significant public attention in July 2023 following his courageous confrontation with police officers who had teargassed his daughter during a protest in Mathare, Kenya. His bold stand against excessive law enforcement tactics resonated deeply with the Kenyan populace, earning him widespread support.
Notably, comedian Eric Omondi was moved by Juma’s plight and initiated an online fundraising campaign. This endeavor proved successful, raising approximately KSh 400,000 to aid Juma. With these funds, Omondi assisted Juma in relocating from Mathare to Ruaka and facilitated the establishment of a boutique business for him.
However, nearly a year later, Juma found himself grappling with severe financial hardships and claimed that Omondi had ceased communication with him. In an interview posted on TikTok by Walter Wanyes, Juma voiced his frustration, expressing gratitude for Omondi’s past assistance but lamenting his current lack of responsiveness. Juma stated, “I still appreciate Eric Omondi because he came through even though he no longer picks up my calls. I want to apologize in case I wronged him. I have called him several times, but he is not answering my calls. When I call with a strange number, he picks up. I wonder what I did to him or if he finished my case.”
Constrained by financial difficulties, Juma made the decision to relocate from Ruaka to the more affordable Obama estate. Explaining his move, Juma said, “After life became like that, I moved from Ruaka to the Obama estate. I moved to that place because life there is cheaper. I got a one-bedroom house at KSh 7,000, while at Ruaka, I used to pay KSh 18,000 for a one-bedroom house. I changed my lifestyle, but even Eric doesn’t know that. I just decided to move on independently.”