
Manzi Ni Wako Akiwa Kwako! Mejja Heartbroken Once Again By His New Lover

It appears that the popular Gengetone music star, Mejja, has returned to his street roots after giving love a chance.

After a period of illness that nearly took away his voice and career, bloggers were eager to uncover the latest happenings in Mejja’s life. They interviewed the singer of the hit song “Kanairo Dating” to inquire about his girlfriend and whether he had any plans to make their relationship official.

In a surprising turn of events, Mejja hinted that things had changed and the status of his relationship was not the same as it had been several months ago. He expressed the belief that dating in Nairobi can be challenging due to widespread promiscuity. Mejja insists that individuals should stay committed to their partners for several years, perhaps five or ten, to ensure exclusivity.

It seems that Mejja is currently grappling with complex emotions as he takes time to understand the true nature of love.

Recently, Mejja has been releasing songs that delve into the issues that often plague relationships, such as ego, infidelity, toxicity, and others. Through his lyrics, he highlights the factors that can contribute to the demise of a romantic connection.

“When you’ve been with a woman for five or ten years, then you can confidently claim that she is yours. But while she is with you, once she steps outside, she becomes public property. It’s like asking me if Uhuru Park belongs to me, isn’t it a public space?” Mejja candidly reveals that his once-grand love journey is now encountering storms, or perhaps the ship has already sunk beneath the waves.