
How Jeff Koinange accidentally impregnated late Bob Collymore wife

Media figure Jeff Koinange has become the center of attention following his acknowledgment of impregnating Wambui Collymore. The Citizen TV news presenter claims he is merely fulfilling a request from his late friend, Bob Collymore, before his passing. Koinange has appealed to the public to respect Wambui Collymore’s privacy, emphasizing that she is an adult entitled to her own decisions.

In a candid statement, Jeff Koinange affirmed, “Chenye kitazaliwa tutanyonyesha! It is true Wambui and I had a thing, and as a man, I am admitting responsibility.”

This admission has sparked diverse reactions, with some online users harshly criticizing Koinange for allegedly betraying his close friend by becoming involved with his wife. Conversely, others have flooded the comment section with congratulations, commending Koinange for facing the truth and taking responsibility.