
Grand P and Eudoxie Yao finally reveal how they make love,”Grand p Anakuwanga Fire in bed Eudoxie reveals”

In a recent interview with Joy Prime TV, the West African couple, Grand P and his girlfriend Eudoxie Yao, opened up about the dynamics of their relationship, acknowledging the significant contrast in their body sizes.

During their visit to Ghana, the couple touched on the intimate aspect of their connection, describing their love life as fulfilling. However, both Grand P and Eudoxie Yao opted to keep the details private, leaving the audience intrigued.

Eudoxie Yao expressed their satisfaction with their love life, stating, “Our love life is fulfilling, but we prefer to keep the details private.”

Grand P, renowned for his unique petite body and distinctive baby voice, shared his perspective on their romantic connection. He conveyed his happiness with the Ivory Coast socialite and hinted at the possibility of an official marriage when he feels ready for that significant step.

Despite the positive sentiments, the interview took a turn when Eudoxie Yao accused Grand P of having a penchant for other women and being unfaithful multiple times during their relationship. According to her, his wandering eyes led to several breakups.

“We have been dating since 2019. We break up, we get back together. We break up again and get back together… He loves women a lot,” Yao disclosed during the interview.

Grand P, however, swiftly refuted the accusations of being addicted to women, stating, “No! No! Only Allah knows.”

While discussing their relationship status, Eudoxie Yao clarified that, despite not being officially married, their love is genuine. However, the conversation took an unexpected turn when Grand P, a Muslim, revealed his intention to marry four women.

“I want to marry four women. I did not say that; it was my father (Allah) who said that,” Grand P expressed. In response, Eudoxie Yao promptly disagreed with the idea, asserting, “If he dares, we break up.”