
Govi: I have Been Dating Older Women Since My Days On Machachari

Govi, also known as Malik Lemuel, rose to fame through his role in the popular television drama series “Machachari” aired on Citizen TV. Recently, the 22-year-old actor took the opportunity to engage with his fans during an interactive Questions and Answers (Q&A) session on Instagram, where he shared his thoughts on dating.

During the session, one of Govi’s fans inquired about his willingness to date women who are older than him. Without hesitation, Govi enthusiastically responded with a resounding yes.

When asked if he could be in a relationship with a woman older than him, the actor affirmed that he had no qualms about it. In fact, he revealed that he had been involved with older women since his time on the Machachari series.

“Uuhh yeahhh. Mi bora nimekutambua manze na unanitambua. Kwanza in my life I’ve been used to older since back then,” Govi confidently replied to his fan, expressing his openness to relationships with women older than him.