The inspiring story of George Kuria, a single father striving to raise his young triplets alone, captivated the hearts of many across the internet. His journey was made even more heartrending by the harsh conditions in which he lived—a crumbling, mud-thatched house riddled with holes and a roof that leaked incessantly. In these dire circumstances,
George had no choice but to take on the roles of both mother and father after his wife, suffering from severe back problems following childbirth, was hospitalized for an extended period to fight for her life.
Left to care for his triplets, George faced the daunting challenges of parenthood in isolation. Adding to his struggles, he was unemployed, making it nearly impossible to improve his living situation. The gravity of his plight came to light when Afrimax English aired his story, which quickly went viral. While the exposure brought much-needed help, it came too late for one of the triplets, who sadly succumbed to the tough conditions a few months later.
Despite the tragedy, George’s story sparked an outpouring of support from Kenyans and well-wishers worldwide. Touched by his resilience, compassionate individuals came together to transform his life. Donations flooded in, funding the construction of a magnificent five-bedroom home to replace the dilapidated structure he once called home. Along with the house, George received a motorbike, granting him mobility and an avenue to earn a livelihood as he continued to care for his children.
Afrimax English also played a pivotal role in reshaping George’s destiny, surprising him with a generous sum of money. This combined support not only provided a safe and comfortable environment for his family but also gave him the financial stability to navigate the future with hope.
Overwhelmed with gratitude, George expressed heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed to changing his life. As his wife continues her recovery, the family looks forward to reuniting and embracing their new beginning in the comfort of their beautiful home—a symbol of triumph over adversity and the power of collective goodwill.