
Diamond Platnumz: I was conned KSh 4Billion while buying My Private jet

Tanzania’s beloved Bongo star, Diamond Platnumz, recently revealed a shocking incident where he fell victim to a staggering 4 billion Tanzanian shillings scam while attempting to acquire a private jet. The renowned King of Bongo Flava shared this unfortunate experience during an interview on Wasafi TV in Tanzania, shedding light on why he currently relies on rented aircraft, despite his prior intentions of owning one. He explained that an unscrupulous agent he had trusted to facilitate the purchase had duped him.

Diamond expressed his frustration, saying, “I had actually procured a rather sizable aircraft, but I ended up being swindled of 4 billion Tanzanian shillings.” To address this deception, he promptly reported the fraudster to the relevant authorities, who have since launched an investigation. Furthermore, he disclosed that the Tanzanian government is actively involved in this process, and various individuals are assisting in the efforts to recover the misappropriated funds.

The hit-maker behind “Bora Nienjoy” went on to emphasize the emotional toll of being defrauded of such a substantial amount. He asserted, “If you’ve ever been defrauded of such a significant sum, you’d understand the frustration it brings. I’ve already notified the government, and investigations are in progress.”

In a somewhat positive development, Diamond revealed that he has begun receiving compensation in installments. He expressed his initial disappointment by mentioning that he had expected the private jet to arrive in Tanzania by August of the previous year, only to be let down by the delayed process. He felt disrespected due to the fact that the situation made it appear as though his earlier announcement of acquiring the jet was mere fiction.

Back in May 2022, shortly after purchasing a 2021 Rolls Royce, Diamond had enthusiastically announced his plans to buy a private jet on social media. He had posted, “We acquired a brand-new 2021 Rolls Royce Black Badge last year, and this year we are acquiring a Private Jet!!! ✈… That’s what it means to have the best management!”