
DCI asks For help in tracing Nakuru father beating his son in viral video

A viral video depicting a father from Nakuru harshly beating his son has triggered widespread condemnation and prompted authorities to launch a search for the perpetrator.

The father, identified as Kenneth Otieno, fled his residence early on Friday, June 21, evading an imminent arrest. He departed with his eight-year-old son, raising concerns about the child’s safety.

The disturbing footage shows the man using a belt to strike his son, at one point even removing the child’s clothing to continue the punishment.

According to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), Kenneth Otieno became aware of the impending arrest when his whereabouts were disclosed online by concerned citizens. This allowed him to flee before the police arrived.

“Regrettably, upon learning that law enforcement was closing in, Kenneth Otieno absconded with his young son in the early hours of this morning, just moments before our detectives reached his residence in Nakuru,” stated DCI chief Mohamed Amin.

Authorities have intensified efforts to locate the father, urging the public to provide any information that could aid in finding him and ensuring the child’s safety.

While the exact motive behind the incident remains unclear, the father was heard in the video reprimanding the child for disobedience, truancy from school, and general misconduct.

Authorities have expressed grave concern for the child’s welfare, given the severity of the abuse captured in the viral footage.

“We appeal to anyone with information that could assist in rescuing the child to come forward by visiting any police station or contacting our #FichuakwaDCI hotline at 0800 722 203,” Amin emphasized.