
Comedian Eric Omondi Raises ksh.556k For Mayai Vendor Who Was Harassed by City Council Askaris

Eric Omondi has successfully raised a sum of Ksh 556,000 to support Quinter Adhiambo, a smokie Mayai vendor whose livelihood was disrupted by city council Askaris. This heartwarming effort began when the comedian noticed Quinter’s plight and mobilized his social media followers to make a positive impact on her and her family’s life.

Recently, Eric joyfully informed his followers that they managed to collect Ksh 556,000 within just three hours. He encouraged everyone to continue contributing to this cause, highlighting the remarkable unity in their efforts.

“In the face of adversity, we rise together! Last night, we achieved something extraordinary by collecting Ksh 556,000 in just three hours to support Quinter. This incredible response was a reaction to the disgraceful actions of the city council, which involved throwing her merchandise to the ground. What was intended to break her, we’ve turned into a stepping stone towards a brighter future. It’s a resounding victory for us! Let’s keep changing Quinter’s life for the better by sending donations to her at 0702776359.”

Yesterday, Nairobi County government Askaris conducted a crackdown on street food hawkers, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Images shared online depicted the aftermath of their actions, with vandalized pushcarts typically used by smokie Mayai vendors scattered on the streets, while their owners stood by, tallying their losses.

Another photo captured multiple confiscated pushcarts piled together, awaiting transportation to an undisclosed location, adding to the chaos. Eggs and smokies were strewn across the pavement, accompanied by broken glass, bearing witness to the confrontation between law enforcement and the street vendors.

These images elicited strong criticism from a segment of Kenyan citizens, many of whom once again placed blame on Governor Johnson Sakaja’s administration for the unfortunate situation. In response to the public outcry, the Nairobi Governor expressed deep regret over the events that unfolded in the Central Business District (CBD) and pledged to take action against those responsible.

Governor Sakaja promptly ordered the release of all items seized by security personnel during the crackdown on street food vendors. He also announced compensation of Ksh 10,000 for each affected vendor, acknowledging the hardship they had endured.

“I have issued orders for the immediate release of all confiscated items, offered my apologies to the traders, and personally compensated each one of them with Ksh 10,000.”