
Blame it on the alcohol: Karen Nyamu speaks after causing drama at Samidoh’s Dubai concert

Karen Nyamu caused a stir at Samidoh’s Dubai concert when she stormed the stage and grabbed the microphone from the Kenyan musician. In a now viral video, Nyamu can be seen shouting and crying as she tells the audience that Samidoh is the father of her child.

In the aftermath of the incident, Nyamu has issued a public apology and claimed that alcohol was to blame for her behavior. In a statement, Nyamu said, “I would like to apologize for my actions at Samidoh’s concert. I was under the influence of alcohol and made a terrible mistake. I understand that my behavior was inappropriate and caused harm to both Samidoh and his fans. I take full responsibility for my actions and I am deeply sorry for any pain that I have caused.”

While alcohol can certainly be a factor in poor decision making, it is important to note that it is not an excuse for inappropriate behavior. Nyamu’s actions were clearly not acceptable and caused harm to both Samidoh and his fans.

Nyamu’s apology and acknowledgement of her alcohol consumption may be seen as an attempt to deflect blame from herself and onto the alcohol. However, it is ultimately up to each individual to take responsibility for their actions and make the decision to not drink to excess.

It is also important to address the issue of paternity and the pain that it can cause. While Nyamu has claimed that Samidoh is the father of her child, it is ultimately up to both parties to determine the truth and handle the situation with sensitivity and respect.

Overall, it is clear that Nyamu’s actions at the concert were not acceptable and she has rightfully issued an apology. It is important for everyone to take responsibility for their actions and make the conscious decision to not let alcohol impair their judgment.