
Why Kikuyu women give birth to handsome men and beautiful women

Kikuyu women and men are considered to be among the most attractive in Kenya. This is due to a number of factors that have contributed to their appearance.

Firstly, the Kikuyu tribe has a matriarchal society, where mothers have a significant influence on the gene pool. This has led to a higher number of single mothers, who have the ability to choose their partner, resulting in gene selection.

The Kikuyu, as well as other Bantu tribes, were among the last to migrate to Kenya. They arrived from central Africa and settled in present-day Kenya. This migration took place after the Cushites, followed by the Maasai, Kalenjin, Luo, and other tribes.

The Bantus, including the Kikuyu, intermarried with the Cushites in northern Kenya and the coast, resulting in mixed genes being passed down through generations. This mixing of genes has contributed to their complexion, hair texture, and genetics.

Some Kikuyu, such as Dedan Kimathi, Rigathi, Kibaki, and Wangari Maathai, are pure African breeds. They have a Bantu appearance that has not been diluted. On the other hand, tribes such as the Turkana, Luo, Maasai, and Kalenjin have a more distinct native appearance due to a lack of intermarriage with foreign races.

However, it is important to note that beauty is subjective and there is no such thing as the “best-looking” population. All babies are beautiful, regardless of their ancestry. Whether a person is Bantu, Nilote, or Cushite, it is important to love and embrace their indigenous identity. The appearance of a person, including their nose and lips, should not be a source of shame but rather a reflection of their cultural heritage.