
“Uchawi Tupu!” Kenyan Man Quit’s a Bank Job to Sell Pencils in Nairobi

Edgar Otieno, a Kenyan individual, caused a stir among online users when it was disclosed that he departed from his esteemed position as a banker at Barclays Bank to embark on a new venture—selling pencils on the bustling streets of Nairobi.

Opting to return to his previous occupation of selling pencils, a job he held prior to joining the banking sector, Otieno justified his decision by citing the inadequacy of his salary. He found the discrepancy between donning a corporate suit daily and the stagnant pay more distressing than the prospect of losing his job altogether. It’s a reminder not to envy bankers solely based on their outward displays of success, such as expensive cars and sharp attire.

According to a local media outlet, the 42-year-old had been engaged in the pencil-selling trade since the age of 25, even before his banking career began. He would purchase pencils in bulk from a specific company and sell them on a commission basis.

Revealing his prowess in sales, Otieno disclosed that he consistently earned the title of the best agent during his tenure. Despite the company’s closure in 2005, he chose to persist in the pencil-selling business, honing his skills further.

In elucidating the dynamics of sales, Otieno emphasized the importance of personal connection. He highlighted the irony of appearing impeccably dressed while engaged in the task of persuading potential customers to purchase pencils.

Undeterred by his previous role at Barclays Bank, Otieno contended that the remuneration was egregiously inadequate, prompting his decision to resign and allocate more time to pursue his passions.

Former colleagues from the banking industry confirmed Otieno’s prior role as a banker, acknowledging his transition to the rigorous trade of hawking, a shift he embraced without any qualms.