
Pritty Vishy warns ladies against dating men who listen to Andrew Kibe

In a recent statement, Pritty Vishy expressed her concerns about individuals who adhere to the advice given by Andrew Kibe on social media, particularly when it comes to dating and relationships.

According to Vishy, anyone who follows Kibe’s advice should be seen as a potential red flag in the dating world. She believes that these individuals may possess questionable qualities or intentions.

This is not the first time Vishy has criticized Kibe. Last year, she advised Kibe to mind his own business after he suggested that Stivo should break up with her.

Kibe, known for his outspoken nature, had cautioned Simple Boy against reuniting with Vishy after their previous breakup, suggesting that she would leave him again. He stated, “Dump this b**ch, never agree to get back with a girl you have broken up with. This woman has left you before, and she will leave you again. We no longer hear your songs.”

Vishy responded to Kibe’s remarks by telling him to focus on his peers and not interfere in her and Stivo’s personal matters. She stated, “Stivo has his own life, and so do I. If he believed that getting back together with me was the right thing, that is his decision. We should respect each other. If you want to criticize someone, do it with your fellow celebrities. I am not at that level, so I don’t understand why you are mocking me,” she expressed through her YouTube channel.

Vishy remained adamant that Stivo would always choose her, despite Kibe’s opinions. She questioned Kibe’s decision to argue with a 20-year-old and advised him to mind his own business, emphasizing that regardless of any future breakups, she and Stivo would reunite, as he would ultimately choose her.

However, the couple eventually separated, and Stivo has since married another woman who is regarded as attractive.