
Pritty Vishy reacts to Stevo Simple Boy’s wife

Stevo Simple Boy’s former girlfriend, Pritty Vishy, has responded to the news that Stevo has declared himself married to Grace Atieno. During a Q&A session with her fans on Instagram, Pritty stated that a true marriage requires a wedding ceremony and if there is no wedding, there is no marriage. She laughed off the announcement, claiming it was just a “come-we stay” situation.

Pritty also revealed that marriage is not on her wish list, as she has never been interested in it. In 2022, she disclosed that she had been married three times in school, which taught her to think better. She stated that marriage is not for her, as she is not ready to be submissive. Instead, her biggest goal is to become a rich wife. However, if she finds the right man, she would consider marriage.

Pritty became popular after her relationship with Stevo Simple Boy went public. Since then, she has made a name for herself in the Kenyan entertainment industry. She has a successful YouTube channel with over one million views and has recently been verified on Instagram with over 85,000 followers. Pritty is also an entrepreneur, award-winning influencer, actor, and recording artist. Her latest single, ‘Dear Ex,’ produced by Kibra-based label L7 Records, has received great success and is among the most viewed videos on her YouTube channel.