
My pastor Washed My Private Parts Saying Curse will Stop in Our Family-Woman narrates

Irene, the third and youngest child in her family, shared the heartbreaking story of losing her parents and being neglected by her older siblings. Left to fend for herself and her mentally challenged sister, Irene took on manual jobs in the neighborhood to secure food….CONTINUE READING

During her school days, Irene relied on a compassionate friend for support. On one occasion, they visited the market, where her friend generously bought food for her. However, an unexpected incident involving her friend’s brothers led to a chaotic escape, prompting Irene to seek refuge in Nairobi, where her parents had lived.

After spending three years in Nairobi, Irene decided to return to her village. Despite her sisters’ initial happiness, their relationships remained strained. A friend working in a hotel helped Irene secure a job, but tensions at her sister’s house escalated, leading to Irene being forced out after a traumatic incident of assault.

Struggling with sickness and an undisclosed pregnancy, Irene found refuge with a kind stranger who supported her through childbirth. Later, her sister took her back but provided minimal care. Faced with challenges, Irene moved to Dandora, leaving her son alone at times to seek employment through manual labor.

As the years passed, tragedy struck Irene’s family, with siblings and nieces succumbing to untimely deaths. Desperate for a solution, Irene’s friend suggested seeking help from a pastor in Githurai. The pastor, making disturbing demands, claimed to have the power to end the cycle of deaths in her family.

Irene’s journey is a testament to resilience, enduring hardship, and the quest for a better life despite facing adversity at every turn.