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Millicent Omanga Rise From Selling Mitumba Bedsheets in Gikomba to buying a 27M Rangerover

Millicent Omanga, widely recognized as Mama Miradi, is a familiar name to many Kenyans, celebrated for her journey from humble beginnings to remarkable success. Her narrative epitomizes the essence of perseverance and faith in the process, catapulting her from selling second-hand bedsheets to attaining the esteemed position of senator and achieving millionaire status.

Born on May 30, 1982, in Kisii county, Millicent Omanga emerged as the eldest among seven daughters in a once affluent family. However, tragedy struck in 1999 with the demise of her father, the family’s primary provider. Left with the responsibility of caring for her siblings, her mother resorted to breaking stones and vending farm produce to sustain the family.

Education served as a beacon of hope for Omanga. Following her primary education, she pursued her studies at Mumbai Girls, later delving into medical training. Undeterred by challenges, she embarked on a journey of academic enrichment, culminating in her enrollment at the University of Nairobi, where she pursued studies in journalism and subsequently earned a postgraduate degree in commerce.

Omanga’s professional trajectory is a testament to her versatility and entrepreneurial acumen. Amid her academic pursuits, she delved into the trade of second-hand bedsheets to finance her education. This venture not only provided sustenance but also laid the foundation for her foray into the realm of interior design.

Through unwavering determination and industriousness, Omanga transformed her modest beginnings into a sprawling enterprise. With prudent investments and astute decision-making, she expanded her business empire, establishing over 15 stores specializing in comprehensive interior design solutions. Lead Milways Enterprise, her flagship venture, encompasses construction and design services, yielding lucrative returns.

In the realm of politics, Omanga acknowledges the pivotal role played by Deputy President Dr. William Ruto in her political ascent. Her tenure as a company director at Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen) in 2013 marked her initial foray into the political arena. Subsequently, in 2017, her appointment as a nominated senator underlined her growing influence in politics. Despite her political endeavors, the 2022 elections saw Esther Passaris overshadow her in the Nairobi Women Representative race.

Beyond her professional pursuits, Millicent Omanga’s personal life reflects her achievements and affluence. Married to Dr. Francis Nyamiobo, a medical practitioner, the couple enjoys a lavish lifestyle with their children, Maya and Wayne, in the suburban enclaves of Nairobi. Their opulent lifestyle is mirrored by their possession of luxury vehicles such as the Prado TX, Mercedes Benz, and V8.

In essence, Millicent Omanga’s narrative embodies resilience, ambition, and the unwavering belief in the power of perseverance. From humble origins to towering success, her journey serves as an inspiration to all aspiring individuals, illustrating that with dedication and diligence, even the loftiest of dreams can be realized.