Emmanuel Ngetich, the owner of Club 034, has embarked on a pioneering venture that has redefined Kenya’s entertainment landscape. His visionary concept of transforming a decommissioned Boeing 720 airplane into an extraordinary club experience has garnered widespread attention across the nation.
The aircraft, which had been stationed at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport for several years, was acquired from Kenya Airways (KQ). This over 50-year-old plane was transported to its final destination in Kitengela under the escort of police outriders, marking the commencement of its remarkable transformation.
Ngetich shared that his inspiration for purchasing the airplane came from a visit to Bangkok, where he witnessed the success of a similar concept at Chang Chui—an entertainment and shopping hub centered around a grounded Lockheed TriStar. Captivated by the idea, he was determined to introduce a comparable experience to Kenya.
Now christened Na-Oh, the plane has evolved into a daily “grounded flight,” offering patrons culinary adventures and pleasures. Ngetich aspires to revolutionize Kenya’s entertainment scene, drawing on the vibrant atmosphere he experienced in Bangkok.
The acquisition of the airplane set Ngetich back Ksh 1 million shillings. However, the transportation alone, covering a distance of over 25 kilometers to Kitengela, surpassed that amount. Flash Mwatha, the engineer overseeing the restaurant’s design, disclosed that the overall cost, including refurbishment, ranged from Ksh 6 million to Ksh 8 million.
Known as the pride of Kajiado County, the airplane provides an exceptional experience for up to 100 clients, divided into three sections: a VVIP area in the cockpit, a VIP section in the business class, and a regular section in the economy class. Guests are welcomed by a red carpet at the entrance, creating a luxurious and unique ambiance.
Outside, visitors can enjoy an airport-like experience, with tents and chairs set up on the “runway” as they await boarding. The onboard feeling is heightened by the fact that the food is prepared in the aircraft’s kitchen, and waitresses, dressed as air hostesses, serve guests.
Strategically situated just 3 kilometers from Kitengela town along the Nairobi-Namanga highway, Club 034 attracts a diverse range of patrons, including children, teenagers, and adults. Renowned for serving some of the best nyama choma in town, the establishment allows adults to savor their favorite whiskey or beer while indulging in the club’s offerings.
Undoubtedly, Club 034 has set a new standard in Kenya’s entertainment industry by seamlessly blending innovation, nostalgia, and culinary delights to create an unparalleled experience for its visitors.