Chaos and drama unfolded during the burial of a known prostitute as villagers and family members tried to stop other prost!tutes from performing uncouth burial rituals at the deceased grave. The villagers were however unsuccessful as the scantly dresses hoes invaded the grave site and went ahead to wildly twerk, str!p and expose their assets to […]
The two, who are known for their philanthropic gestures, exchanged words during the event with Mo telling Kirubi that he does know what Africa is. Mo told Kirubi that he knows Africa through the media and he should travel to understand what Africa is and the real problems facing Africa. Mo also said Kirubi thinks […]
Kenyan Babes Now BEAT Ugandans: They AreHaving S3X in Clubs (FOAM PARTY). OMG!! Whereare we Heading!!? Nairobi. Is it the capital city of SIN CITY in Africa? Ithought that Ugandans women are the dirtiest butNairobians have proved me wrong. How can they havedry s3x with so many people in a party? More ratchetphotos here of […]
Huddah Monroe signs Autographs for High School Boys on their Vests Boxers and Shirts
Petite socialite, Huddah Monroe a few weeks ago backed up President Uhuru’s move to launch the condom for teenagers campaign, which seeks to broaden the war against HIV and AIDS among adolescents.The socialite said that teenager5 should be encouraged to use protect!on when they are engaging in s3xu@l act5.And just to prove that she is […]
NIGERIAN Pastor Decides To Cleanse Sin By Washing People With Detergent and Bleach.
A Pastor in Nigeria decided to cleanse the sins of his congregation by using detergent and bleach… Foolishly, the congregation went ahead and strictly followed what their dear Pastor was telling them… This is just craziness of the highest degree…
Hard Times! See what a man was caught doing in a toilet at Holy Family Basilica Church.
A middle aged man was allegedly found stealing a pipe and a toilet sink from Holy Family Basilica church in Nairobi on Friday. Alex Keya was caught by a guard while pretending to be using the toilets. Appearing before Senior Principal Magistrate Elena Nderitu, Keya asked the court to pardon him, saying he was only […]
Nonini’s little son Is in social media
Similar to papa such as boy! Mgenge True’s small boyhas now secured a niche upon web 2 . 0. Thislooks the particular father is actually organizing your pet for a movie starway of living. While you will be struggle to obtain supporters upon web 2 . 0,other people even planning to the particular magnitude of […]