
My two wives have access to my bank account -man speaks

Michael Houston, the man who gained viral attention a few weeks ago for simultaneously marrying two women, recently provided an update on the dynamics of his new family.

Taking to Facebook, he conveyed his understanding of women’s needs and underscored the significance of financial stability in ensuring their well-being.

Michael shared that he ensures his wives enjoy unrestricted access to his wealth, believing that this approach encourages responsible spending habits. He went on to advise other men to prioritize their partners’ financial well-being, as it contributes to cultivating discipline in managing expenses.

In his post, he emphasized the importance of maintaining healthy financial accounts for both partners in a relationship. Michael revealed that both of his wives have complete access to his accounts, with their financial statuses being on par with his own. According to him, granting them this financial autonomy has made them even more disciplined in their spending habits. Despite having the power to make independent financial decisions, they still consult him before any extra expenses, showcasing a sense of responsibility.

Michael expressed his belief that women value security in a relationship. He emphasized the significance of assuring your partner that you have her in mind and that your future aligns with hers. This, he argued, fosters trust and commitment, preventing the fear of abandonment or divorce that could leave a woman starting anew from scratch. He concluded by advising others to recognize and appreciate their blessings, encouraging them to enjoy the rest of their day.