
Communications Authority Warns PSV Saccos, Postal Offices Without Courier Licenses

The Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) has taken a firm stance against public service vehicle (PSV) saccos and postal offices operating without the necessary postal courier service licenses. David Mugonyi, the Director General of CA, has emphasized the consequences for e-commerce entities engaging in these services without proper authorization. Such ventures face a penalty of at least Kes 300,000 or imprisonment for up to ten years.

Mugonyi underlined CA’s role in facilitating both domestic and international e-commerce endeavors through the licensing of courier providers, in accordance with Section 49 of the Kenya Information and Communication Act of 1998. Any violation of these regulations constitutes an offense, subject to legal penalties upon conviction. He stressed the importance of obtaining the appropriate license from CA and ensuring ongoing compliance with regulatory standards.

It is imperative for members of the public to verify the legitimacy of courier service providers to safeguard their items and avoid potential risks associated with unauthorized operators. Utilizing verified courier services offers added security, as customers can receive compensation in case of loss or damage to their goods.

The public is strongly encouraged to engage only with licensed postal and courier operators to mitigate risks and ensure the safe handling of their items. CA’s website features a comprehensive list of authorized courier services, serving as a reliable resource for individuals seeking legitimate service providers.