
Comedian Fred Omondi’s: interesting thoughts about church unearthed

Fred Omondi, the late brother of comedian and activist Eric Omondi, appeared in an interview about three years ago where he discussed his views on salvation.

In the interview with host Oga Obinna on the KulaCoolerShow, Omondi shared his experience of converting to Christianity and how his perspective on salvation differed from others. He expressed his concerns about issues within the church, particularly the hypocrisy he observed.

“To say I’ve converted has a different meaning. I believe in God; I’ve always believed in God. But from what I’ve seen, even from those who have converted, I’d prefer to be with bar people,” Fred stated.

He elaborated, “If you face a tragedy, your bar friends will give you millions. From the church, you’ll get prayers and choir. Then you’ll be obligated to pay the pastor for attending the funeral. Many good people aren’t in church. Church is a good place; I have no issue with it, but many good people are absent. Those who pretend are the ones in church.”

Fred also suggested more meaningful alternatives to spending time in church, advocating for acts of kindness such as visiting children’s homes and getting to know one’s neighbors.

“Instead of singing in church all week, go to Children’s Homes. Bless someone. Get to know your neighbor. Some people don’t know their neighbors. That’s an act of kindness,” he said.

Tragically, Fred passed away in a serious road accident on Outering Road in Nairobi. The accident occurred on a Saturday morning when the motorcycle he was a pillion passenger on was hit by a speeding bus, causing both the rider and Fred to fall onto the tarmac.

He was rushed to Mama Lucy Hospital but was pronounced dead while undergoing treatment, according to a police officer. A witness reported that he died on the spot.